Easy Ways to Install SEO Smart Links on a Blog

This time redesign.eu.org will share the Easy Way to Install SEO Smart Links on a Blog, which is a WordPress plugin that converts every word specified in an article into a link.

How the SEO Smart Links Plugin Works

This plugin will read every word that you specify in the article. For example, if you add the word SEO or Blogger to the plugin, then each word will automatically turn into a link if you have these words in your blog article.

How to Install SEO Smart Links

Go to Blogger> Templates> Then add the code below before </body>

function smartLink(){this.keywdHref=new Object,this.add=function(e,n){" "!=e.substr(0,1)&&(e=" "+e),this.keywdHref[e]=n},this.createAnchor=function(){for(var e=document.getElementsByTagName("div"),n=0;n<e.length;n++){var t=e[n];if(t.className.indexOf("post-body")>-1){var i=t.innerHTML;for(var r in this.keywdHref){var a=this.keywdHref[r],o=i.replace(r,"<a href='"+a+"'>"+r+"</a>","gi");t.innerHTML=o,i=o}}}},this.startScript=function(){var e=window.onload;window.onload=function(){e&&e(),setTimeout("f.createAnchor()",100)}}}
var f = new smartLink();
f.add("SEO", "https://www.redesign.eu.org/");

If you want the plugin above to only appear on the posting page, please add a special conditional tag for the posting page

Reference: Latest Blogger Conditional Tags

Save template

In the marked code, replace SEO with the keywords you specify and replace https://www.redesign.eu.org/ with your blog url.

In the code above you can add other keywords below, for example

f.add(&quot;SEO&quot;, &quot;https://www.redesign.eu.org/&quot;);
f.add(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;https://www.redesign.eu.org/&quot;);
f.add(&quot;Blogger&quot;, &quot;https://www.redesign.eu.org/&quot;);

Buddy can also add words to bold, for example

f.add(&quot;&lt;b&gt;SEO&lt;/b&gt;&quot;, &quot;https://www.redesign.eu.org/&quot;);


It is recommended not to add excessive keywords, 1 to 3 keywords are sufficient.

So about the Easy Way to Install SEO Smart Links on a Blog, hopefully this is useful.

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"Easy Ways to Install SEO Smart Links on a Blog"


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